Interview with Founder of The Mile High 4.20k
The Green House Healthy Athletic Team celebrated 4/20 this year by participating in The Mile High 4.20k Virtual Run as part of the 2020 Movement for Meaning Challenge. After completing the event, we spoke with the event’s founder, Jonathan Lobato, to learn more, and share how the event went from idea to reality.
Jonathan Lobato - Founder of The Mile High 4.20k
Jonathan Lobato is a 30 year old Denver native and entrepreneur that puts on many events that involves and gives back to the community he grew up in. He is the Co-Founder and the "J" of JEM Inc and JEM's Scholarship that he crated alongside his sister Erica and brother Matthew. The scholarship gives back to the high school (TJ) and college (Colorado State University) that all 3 attended. He has also created Community Ties where he gets donated ties and business attire, to teach the youth community how to tie them when wearing for special occasions. He is one of the owners of West 29th Salon. It is located in Wheat Ridge, CO and is fairly new, opening doors just last August. Lastly, he is the creator and manager of The Mile High 4.20k!
What made you decide to put The Mile High 4.20k together?
Colorado is known for being very active and also one of the first on the scene for cannabis, especially CBD, and seeing how it helps many people with medical issues. It has been in the works for the past 3 years and with last year's 4/20 falling on the weekend, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to showcase the events. Also, my mother deals with many autoimmune issues, so I started looking heavier into CBD and the benefits to help her get off the prescriptions pills the doctors wanted her on and to help ease any pain possible.
Do you incorporate cannabis into your fitness routine? If so, how and why? How long have you been doing this?
Yes, I have different topicals and edibles I use for my joints and muscles after workouts and before. I have been doing it for a few years now, mainly to help with knee issues I deal with from my second ACL surgery and the arthritis caused from it.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think you offered the virtual run option before having to cancel the in person. What made you decide to do that?
Yes, I had some participants that ran in The Mile High 4.20k last year that were from out of state or were busy this go round, so they brought the idea of being able to still participate but virtually from afar. Once they asked if there was another way and I had one let me know about virtual racing, I wanted to make it an option so that we can still have our community involved, even if not at the park the day of the race!
What are your thoughts and/or experiences with virtual races?
It is much different because it is basically having two events in one but with everyone having to go virtual it made the race much easier. This was my first time ever doing a virtual run/walk, so I am blessed that it was an option for a crazy and random time like the one we are experiencing. Turning it virtual not only allowed past participants to still be involved, it allowed us the opportunity to still have year two without having to slow down momentum and gear up for next year.
How did the event go this year and how did last year’s in person race go?
This year was still a success in our eyes because we found a way to safely continue The Mile High 4.20k and had some awesome participants from around the country run/walk with us. Of course with the virus hitting all major events, it forced us to cancel the actual run/walk at the park and try shifting as many as we could to the virtual race. Last year's event was amazing! We had great participants, vendors, sponsors and much needed help. We were able to donate some of the proceeds to two local scholarships and give exposure to other great companies. We had a great turnout and before cancellations, we had already surpassed the amount of participants from last year with many great vendors coming out. With all of the craziness going on this year, we gave full refunds back and made the virtual race free. We understood that changing things up last minute is difficult for all involved but we wanted to help with that transition and make sure our community was clear we value their health and even financials more than just trying to maintain an event.
What does the future The Mile High 4.20k look like?
The future of The Mile High 4.20k is bright and growing! This race will not only be one of the biggest 4/20 events, but will be one of the biggest events to take place each year in Denver. The goal is to grow each year and make it better in so many different ways, mainly to grow the education of CBD and how it truly helps people in so many different ways. Breaking that negative stereotype and showing that we can be active, positive and a pillar in the community while still appreciating cannabis. We want to help expand small businesses in the community and be a showcase for the many talented creatives we have in Colorado. Even though we love virtual, our goal is to make it a big event in every state, each year!
Is there anything else you’d like to add?
We want to thank each and every participant, vendor, sponsor and affiliate such as Green House Healthy that continues to support our vision and helps promote the healthy lifestyle alongside cannabis. As the cannabis community grows, it is vital that we continue to expand our knowledge and education on cannabis. It has helped so many people live a different and more normal life than they previously had and continues to be essential in the health of athletes everywhere. Everyone was very patient and understanding of all the changes and we look forward to having everyone on board with us again next year! We are still growing, so we are always appreciative of donations and networking with local businesses. Please contact us about vendor and sponsorship opportunities for next year at or on social media.